Book Detail

First of its Kind

Groundbreaking Book Redefines Storytelling with Interactive Music Integration

(25 Reviews)
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Embark on an unprecedented literary adventure with author and musician Kelly Lord in “What You Are About to Hear is Real.” This groundbreaking book transcends traditional storytelling by offering readers an interactive experience that seamlessly integrates original music directly into the narrative.

From the depths of a tumultuous upbringing marked by violence and alcoholism, Kelly Lord emerges as a beacon of resilience and hope. Through her compelling storytelling, readers will not only witness her struggles but also share in the laughter, tears, and triumphant moments that define her remarkable journey.

What makes this book truly extraordinary is its interactive nature. As you delve into the pages, you’ll encounter embedded links that allow you to listen to Lord’s original songs at key moments in the story. These songs serve as a soundtrack to her life, enhancing the emotional depth of the narrative and immersing you fully in her world.

From the intimate confines of small venues to the grand stage of national television, Lord’s musical talent shines brightly, carrying her message of resilience and redemption. With each melody, she reaffirms the transformative power of music and its ability to heal even the deepest wounds.

Through her words and music, Kelly Lord offers a guiding light to those navigating their own challenges. With love, light, and laughter, she reminds us that our struggles do not define us, and that strength can be found in the most unexpected places.

Join Kelly Lord on this interactive journey of self-discovery, healing, and the universal language of music. “What You Are About to Hear is Real” invites you to not only read but also listen, feel, and experience every note of this extraordinary story.


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Kelly Lord 



Publication date

March 29, 2024



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Patricia Morgan


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